Category Archives: Uncategorized


I still have not been able to get a ton done with Lizard Queen yet, though I have basically the entire month set up for it and just a couple of other things, so it will definitely get done by then. Next month will still be focused on doing a Halloween game. I have not really looked at that either but I did have most of the start of it set up before I took a break from it to focus on the other stuff.


Was a bit busy last couple of days, since I was helping my mother who is getting all her floors redone. She has a ton of junk in the house that needed moving and thrown out and stuff.


I kind of feel like the pain in my foot might be from a tiny piece of glass I stepped on years ago(which I went to the ER for but they just left it in, because it was too far in). Though it isn’t really any where near that spot, but maybe it traveled across my foot? I actually have no idea what else it might be, and it might be something else.


I was really tired yesterday so went to bed a little early. I also did something to my foot. It feels really sore, like I am stepping on something some times. It is only when I step on my foot in a very specific way that I can feel it, which I am not sure what way I am even stepping because it doesn’t hurt most of the time and when I check my foot it seems fine. But then every once in a while I step down and it feels like I am stepping on something.


I am not entirely sure what path I should take with Lizard Queen. I kind of picked the game because it was one of the short ones that actually work, without having to try to fix broken stuff, but it wasn’t really my first choice. I do have a general idea where I can go, though I am kind of worried I might be missing small paths, since the game had a lot of small adjustments based off your choices.