Category Archives: Uncategorized


I have done week schedules before to try to get more organized, but recently I was thinking about a more detailed daily one. I know I am sort of bad at following them some times, but I also do follow schedules often, if they are very strict. It is the open spots, that let you really get distracted.


So next month is national novel writing month. Last year I wrote a game during it and it worked out well. This year I was thinking of writing something, though it probably wouldn’t be a game. Though I also don’t plan on taking the month off to write a book either. I was thinking though, that I might try to write a book and work on games here at the same time. It is a ton of work, but I need to work on my habits, so I can spend longer time writing without losing focus on stuff.


I feel like I need a day off, and not like doing anything at all, online. I do a lot of stuff online, and while online you can easily get distracted by random stuff, and I feel like lately, there has been a lot of random distraction.


You ever have like an appointment or something you really got to do, but then you start thinking about it like a week ahead, and you keep thinking about it, even though it isn’t until later and there is nothing to do about it?


Just on a side note, doesn’t really have anything to do with anything. I have a dog and he always wants to go for a walk, like five times a day(I think because there is a lot of dogs in the neighborhood). I usually take him out late night too, because it is cooler in the summer but he wants to go out even at like 3 am.