All Girls are Sluts

No updates at the moment, but I am working on All Girls are Sluts. Holidays stuff is out of the way and I have a lot more time to focus on working on games and stuff. Also got all the distractions of playing holiday sales games form steam out of my system hehe.

Last few days I have been feeling kind of meh, and I got some strange hives that popped up on my stomach and legs. The doctor thinks I might have some kind of allergy and did blood tests, and gave me some medicine. That is starting to clear up but now I got a cold and feel worse(the hives didn’t actually hurt or itch or anything so it was more annoying(and slightly stressful since I don’t know the cause) than anything else).

When I feel a little better going to really tackle all girls are sluts, and hopefully have an update for that by the end of the month or early next month. The plan is to basically update all the scenes in the game so they reference you having a dick if you turn into a futa, which also includes those quest lines. Then after that I can finish all the other starting quest lines and the morning part will be done. Then onto afternoon events!

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