
So I been working on the novel I wanted to write for novel writing month. It is my first time writing a novel, so my outline wasn’t as good as it could of been. I ended up finishing most of the stuff before hitting the 50k words, so I had to work in a few more ideas. That slowed me down a lot, but I had written a ton early on in the month, so while my progress slowed down to a crawl, I am still on schedule.

This writing has given me some insight into my writing. I always knew I am better at writing a ton of stuff really fast, but over the long term I get more distracted. Though I realize having a very detail outline helps me stay focused really well. Having a really detailed outline is a bit harder for games, since they branch out all over, but I think for the next game I write I will try that.

Though that is after the Christmas game I will release next month. I am going to try to knock that out early in the month, then get back to All Girls are Sluts. If I can get the novel writing finish early(though it is just the first draft), I will work a bit on the Christmas game.

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