Monthly Archives: May 2014


I don’t think I will have an update like I wanted today, but I still think I can finish Wolf Lab by the end of the month. So don’t get too worried. I am just a little more busy at the moment than usual so it threw of my schedule a little. I will try to have the update up on the weekend though.

Also, tomorrow is my birthday! Which is the reason my schedule is a little off.

Wolf Lab Update

I put an update for Wolf Lab. It finishes the main story line for chapter 2 and gets you to chapter 3, which I plan to make the last chapter. There is also a lot of bad endings(or happy endings if you like being a slutty wolf). There is currently four ways to successfully make it to chapter 3 without a game over. My current plans is to get the main story for chapter 3 and the endings all finished by the 20th. If I can do that, then that gives me to the end of the month to flesh out some more side stuff a little more, and get all the bugs worked out. Then I can hopefully have the game completed by the 31st. At least that is my goal.

Focus and organization!

I don’t have any updates today, but I have been working on a bunch of stuff, my attention is just split all over the place. So I have little updates here and there but nothing big to any one project. So starting this month I am going to try something new. Each month I am going to focus all my attention on finishing one game. If I finish the game before the end of the month, then I will spend the rest of my time working on side stuff and new games. However, I will try to finish the game before working on anything else. Hopefully that way I can start knocking out some of the older games as well.

So for the month of May, the game I am going to try and finish and get 100% complete is Wolf Lab!