Monthly Archives: February 2014

Magic Girl Update!

I just uploaded the new version of Magic Girl Contest, and it is also online so you can play it on this site now if you want. Play Now!

It is a really big update that introduces a new system to train skills, and while you don’t have a lot of training days at this point, there are a ton of options. There is also a ton of new characters to meet and build relationships and you can now meet with two people each day you have time off. There are a couple of new bad endings now as well. The main plot advances a bit as well, finishing the street league and getting closer towards the first contest, while you also have to deal with some issues that come with being a girl every day.

Update: Quick update, two of the demon paths weren’t working, so I fixed them and uploaded the new version.

Update again!: All three demon paths should be working now.


I put up a new update for Into the Dungeon. I rewrote the opening and fixed some bugs and stuff, and I added the next two levels of the dungeon. Not a huge update to any one path, but a lot of new content spread over multiple paths. The next update will probably be a huge update as far as the story goes though, so can look forward to that next time. The game is also on sugarcube now, so there is a save feature if you want to use it, though the game is probably best when play from the start and trying new paths and stuff.