Author Archives: adminlily


Now after watching my niece for a whole week, I am feeling a bit sick. It might just be really bad allergies though. I suppose I will know if I get any sicker or get a fever or something.


The contest is going well on the tfgamesite. So far there is a ton of votes, way more than they normally get. So that is good.

Though my niece was sick all last week and I was helping to watch her, since her parents are normally at work while she is in school, and she couldn’t go to school. She is better now though.


I feel like I been really side tracked lately. I have been getting some side stuff done but not my major goals I wanted to get done. I think after the contest is over, I need to take a few days and just focus entirely on finishing up a game.


I been really distracted this last week or so, because I been playing with AI, to write naughty stuff. I say play, because while it is really fun and the AI can occasionally be really brilliant, mostly it is pretty dumb. It is fun though.


I feel like a bit more product if I take a lot of breaks. Like going to do something, then work a bit, then going to do something, then work bit. I been trying that recently and I end up working for a lot longer over time.


I got a lot done the last couple of days, though it was working on little side project games. Even though it is on side games, I feel like I was pretty motivated with them, so maybe I can transfer that back into the big game I am working on.